SSCI《Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization》征稿: 跨学科研究伦理与规范
截止日期:2025/08/31 23:59
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
SSCI (JCR 2023)
IF 2.3
Q2 (ECONOMICS 174/597)
Interdisciplinary Research Ethics and Norms
Methodological Norms/Problems/SolutionsDeception and incomplete disclosure
Deception and incomplete disclosure
Subject compensation
Field experiments and consent
Funding norms
Sample targeting and/or sample size determination
Statistical software and analysis methods (Bayesian/Frequentist or Qualitative/Quantitative)
Consider studies like Logg and Dorison (2021), McDermott and Hatemi (2020), Page et al. (2021), and Ortmann and Hertwig (2002)
Co-authorship and Publication Norms/Problems/Solutions
Co-author inclusion, author order, work division
Pre-publication presentations and working paper posting
Journal choices, open access publication, and funding
Intellectual property divisions
Role/treatment of graduate student/post-doc co-authors/research team members
Consider papers like Reuben et al. (2022) and papers that bring new data to apply to discussions
Research Application Norms/Problems/Solutions (Post-Publication)
Morals/ethics of industry application
Morals/ethics of policy/government application
Conflict of interest, patents/intellectual property, and profiting from research
Consider studies like King and Persily (2020) and how work like List (2022) is used across different disciplines
Unintended Consequences of Inter-disciplinary Compared to Intra-disciplinary Research
Systematic biases/patterns in topics/samples studiedSystematic biases/patterns in who conducts studies or receives funding
Systematic biases/patterns in findings/outcomes
Gaps/absences in topics/methodologies that are not used/studied or understudied/underused
Consider studies like Park et al. (2023)
Submission Deadline: 31 August 2025