SSCI《Journal of Marketing Management》征稿: 扰动与消费者韧性
截止日期:2024/10/28 23:59
Journal of Marketing Management
SSCI (JCR 2022)
IF 4.4
Q3 (BUSINESS 88/154)
Q3 (MANAGEMENT 121/227)
Disruptions and Consumer Resilience
The nature of disruptions - what are disruptions? How can disruptions be conceptualised in the marketing literature? How do disruptions affect consumers or markets/marketing systems?
How do different types of disruptions (e.g., internal versus external, planned versus unplanned; short-term versus long-term; frequency, duration, intensity) influence resilience of consumers and markets/marketing systems?
What is consumer resilience? What are its driving factors and outcomes?
Theories/frameworks that shape better understanding of consumer resilience pre/during/post disruptions
Understanding behaviour across stages of the customer journey, as a result of disruptions
How diverse consumer segments (children, teenagers, parents, single mums, dads, tourists, elderly, disabled, lgbtq+, consumers facing poverty, or diverse in other ways) build/display resilience in the face of disruptions
Challenges faced by different consumer groups due to disruptions and different forms of resilience they enact (e.g. By age, ethnicity, class, poverty, disability, gender, sexuality, region)
How do consumer traits, aspirations and goals, intersectionalities, and prior experiences with disruptions, shape resilient pathways and outcomes (e.g., quality of life, wellbeing, consumer advocacy)
Can stakeholders help consumers to develop innovative approaches to build and sustain resilience
What effects do sustainability and climate-change based issues have on consumer resilience and responses to challenge and change?
What effects do geopolitical disruptions have on consumer resilience (e.g. War, political upheaval, disruptions to key supply chains and continuity)?
Submission Deadline: 28 October 2024