SSCI《British Accounting Review》征稿: 会计与金融领域的人工智能
截止日期:2025/09/30 23:59
British Accounting Review
SSCI (JCR 2023)
IF 5.5
Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Finance Research and Practice
Using AI to detect corporate fraud, scandals, and compliance; this includes AI regulation and policy-making issues underpinning financial technology and its impact in the broader economy and society. How will it help or replace auditors?
Ethical considerations in using AI applications in accounting and finance (including in accounting and finance education)
Using AI in providing financial solutions – portfolio management and investment decision-making; personal finance and financial planning
AI and management and financial accounting practices – how AI helps improve internal corporate decision-making and financial reporting
Improved financial services such as chatbots, robo-advisory services, data mining, data and business analytics, and algorithmic trading in banking and other financial institutions to improve the quality of services and financial inclusion, especially given the availability and development of generative AI
Comparison of methods and techniques, for example, between AI and financial econometrics This includes techniques such as neural networks, support vector machines, and random forests, as utilized in financial forecasting and analysis
Exploiting AI's predictive and analytical powers – from textual analyses to understanding individual decision-making behaviours to predicting major events such as financial collapse
Illustrating AI's beneficial and/or detrimental effects on specific firms and industries. The adoption of AI can potentially increase or decrease competition, with implications for industrial organization and social welfare. Furthermore, misuse of AI in issues such as cyber-theft, cyber-security, and cyber-litigation can result in financial and economic losses and challenges in data governance
Submission Deadline: 30 September 2025
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