SSCI《Business Process Management Journal》征稿: 知识管理、商业智能与业务流程
截止日期:2025/06/30 23:59
Business Process Management Journal
SSCI (JCR 2023)
IF 4.5
Q1 (BUSINESS 75/304)
Q1 (MANAGEMENT 99/407)
Navigating Complexity: Integrating Knowledge Management, Business Intelligence and Business Process Management in a VUCA World
The role of KM in enhancing business process efficiency and effectiveness
The role of Business Intelligence to understand the most strategic corporate decisions for exploiting global geoeconomic opportunities
Strategies for integrating KM processes (i.e., acquisition, creation, manipulation, transfer, sharing, application) into BPM frameworks
Applying Information and Data Security tools and practices to intelligent BPM systems and decisions
Investigating the role of KM and Cybersecurity for Business Intelligence practices at a global level and their impact on BPM
Identifying barriers and challenges in integrating BPM and KM, as well as proposing strategies to overcome them
Investigating the influence of organizational culture on the successful integration of BPM and KM
How to process companies’ digital transformation and business intelligence leveraging KM to optimize BPM
Exploring the use of emerging technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing in optimizing both business processes and KM practices for geoeconomic decisions
Examining how companies can leverage KM to adapt to unpredictable events and disruptions in global supply chains
Investigating how the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) characteristics of the post-COVID era impact the integration of BPM, KM, and BI in organizations
Examining how businesses can leverage KM strategies to navigate the uncertainties and disruptions posed by the VUCA age while optimizing business processes and information data security
Analyzing the role of KM in enhancing organizational resilience and adaptability in the VUCA context, particularly referring to BPM
Analyzing the impact of technological advancements, such as blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT), on the redefinition of logistic business processes from a KM and BI perspective
Investigating the role of data analytics and predictive modelling in optimizing logistic business processes, including demand forecasting, route optimization, and inventory management
Exploring the integration of sustainability practices into logistic business processes, such as green logistics initiatives, carbon footprint reduction, and environmentally friendly transportation alternatives
Investigating the role of collaborative logistics models, such as shared warehousing and crowd shipping, in redefining traditional logistic business processes and enhancing efficiency and flexibility
Exploring the ethical considerations and challenges associated with the integration of BPM, KM, and BI in the VUCA age, including issues related to intellectual property attribution, data privacy, security, and transparency
Submission Deadline: 30 June 2025
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