SSCI《Industry and Innovation》征稿: 创新再利用
截止日期:2025/01/31 23:59
Industry and Innovation
SSCI (JCR 2023)
IF 3.4
Q1 (ECONOMICS 97/600)
Q1 (MANAGEMENT 153/407)
Repurposing for Innovation: Navigating Technology, Uncertainty, and Sustainability in the Modern Business Landscape
This theme explores the role of serendipity and accidents in the innovation process, emphasizing how groundbreaking solutions and advancements can be identified and developed reusing existing technologies and knowledge.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Innovation Recombination
This theme focuses on the role that generative AI may play in facilitating repurposing of existing knowledge and technologies. AI provides tools to facilitate technological recombination, virtual testing, and deployment. For instance, organizations can use advanced computational algorithms, simulation technologies, and virtual environments to explore different combinations of ideas and components, accelerating the experimentation phase.
Innovation in High Uncertainty Contexts
This theme focuses on innovation during times of high uncertainty, such as pandemics or economic downturns, on innovation processes. It aims to uncover whether and how strategies organizations employ to innovate in times of crisis differ from those used in times of lower uncertainty.
Revaluation Practices for Sustainability
This theme focuses on the potential of upcycling and recycling within the innovation process, exploring how the practices that foster recycling and reusing contribute to the development of innovations that reduce the environmental impact of business activities.
Submission Deadline: 31 January 2025
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