SSCI《International Journal of Operations & Production Management》征稿: 劳动剥削与OSCM研究
截止日期:2025/09/30 23:59
International Journal of Operations & Production Management
SSCI (JCR 2023)
IF 7.1
Q1 (MANAGEMENT 44/407)
Labour exploitation: OSCM research to combat modern slavery, human trafficking and precarious work
Identification and prevention of labour exploitation and trafficking in supply chains
Drivers of unethical, illicit and illegal labour practices in global supply chains
Impact of culture on just cause and questionable labour practices
The interrelation between legal and illegal activities in (labour) supply chains
Modern slavery as a “porous concept”: Dynamics between precarious work and forced labour
Issues of labour supply chains: vulnerability, recruitment, exploitation, entrapment
Governance and governmentality for enabling and/or impeding precarious work, exploitation or modern slavery
Industry specific (fast fashion, fishing, mining etc.) case studies in labour exploitation
The role of procurement in human rights within global supply chains
The role of brokers and other middlemen in bad labour practices
The role of intermediaries in combating exploitation
Labour justice, workers’ rights, and their effect on global operations
The relationship between labour conditions and sustainable supply chains
Understanding drivers and choke points of human trafficking from a supply chain management perspective
Development of effective mechanisms to impede or interdict human trafficking
The role of logistics service providers in human trafficking
Operational and economic indicators to help identify human trafficking activity
Submission Deadline: 30 September 2025
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