SSCI《Technological Forecasting and Social Change》征稿: 可持续创新、三螺旋与知识溢出
截止日期:2025/06/30 23:59
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
SSCI (JCR 2023)
IF 12.9
Q1 (BUSINESS 4/302)
Sustainable Innovation: Triple Helix Twins and Knowledge Spillover
Simultaneous achievement of Sustainable knowledge spillover of innovation. This can be modeled through complementary interactive Innovation and Sustainability Triple Helices.
The Triple Helix Twins model and its configurations. The Triple Helix Twin model (Gebhardt et al. 2021) comprises the classical Triple Helices of University-Industry-Government (UIG) (Leydesdorff & Etzkowitz, 1996), and the novel balance wheel of university public government (UPG) (Etzkowitz & Zhou, 2017) and the lateral triadic interactions are the key to novelty production (Dzisah & Etzkowitz, 2012). For example the submissions may focus on the lateral Triple Helix crossed by bottom up and top down initiatives and the effect of knowledge spillovers in connecting the Triple-helix actors.
Analyses of understudied cases and the programs that fund them both in developed and developing countries. These include but are not limited to Europe’s Horizon 2020, including the US NSF Innovation Engine program, China’s as well as Brazil’s aircraft industry development project. An example of such submissions can answer the question Why is the Airbus a one-off? Where are the European equivalents of Google, Facebook and Amazon or are these temporary successes that will be shown up by future European mid-sized models? How to channel, for example, German’s Mittelstand from mechanical to high tech through its biotech initiative that produced Bio-N-tech?
The role of social ties for sustainability innovation models in the Triple-helix. The micro dynamics of the Triple Helix are rooted in social ties, strong, weak and intermediate, in various combinations forming the stem cell of entrepreneurial ventures.
Do the three triple helix formats “laissez faire, statist and optimal models, foreshadowed by the RAND Corporation’s network modeling that produced the Internet map over from the Innovation to the Sustainable Triple Helix?
How Triple helix can be used by the entrepreneurs and incumbents who create knowledge and spillover it to the third organizations to generate more the merrier knowledge.
Submission Deadline: 30 June 2025