SSCI《Journal of International Economics》征稿: 动态量化贸易
截止日期:2024/12/13 23:59
Journal of International Economics
SSCI (JCR 2023)
IF 3.8
Q1 (ECONOMICS 84/600)
Dynamic Quantitative Trade
Advances in dynamic, quantitative trade models have changed our understanding of the international economy. They have provided better measurement of the barriers to trade and the welfare effects of policy. Their applications are widespread. They have been used to study the effects of policy uncertainty, supply-chain creation and disruption, the transitions from trade liberalization and trade wars, real exchange rate movements and financial frictions. These models feature agents making dynamic decisions about price-setting, investment, purchases and inventories, and consumption.Topics include, but are not limited to: the effects of supply-chain disruptions; the dynamic aspects of firm-level trade relationships; the impact of policy uncertainty on trade and the broader economy; the role of financial and other frictions in the dynamics of firms engaged in international trade.
Submission Deadline: 13 December 2024
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