SSCI《Journal of Financial Stability》征稿: 人工智能技术与金融和银行业
截止日期:2024/12/17 23:59
Journal of Financial Stability
SSCI (JCR 2023)
IF 6.1
Q1 (ECONOMICS 33/600)
Opportunities and Risks of AI Technologies in Finance and Banking
The use of AI by corporations and its implications for corporate policies and corporate governance
The use of AI in asset pricing, asset management and trading
AI and financial institutions: effects on payments, insurance and the provision of credit
Potential biases and risks in the use of AI in financial and economic decision-making
Macroeconomic and financial implications of AI use by market participants, financial institutions, corporations and other key players, as well as the relevant regulatory policies
The impact of AI on the economy and the implications for central banks as guardians of price and financial stability
The implications of the use of AI on financial stability, financial market resilience, and potential market failures
The impact of AI use on income inequality, the labor market, individual financial security and data privacy
The potential implications of the use of AI on compliance and regulatory frameworks
Frictions, market failures and disparities in AI adoption/use and regulatory solutions
The relationship between AI and climate change
Submission Deadline: 17 December 2024