SSCI《European Journal of Innovation Management》征稿: 人工智能与从创新失败中学习
截止日期:2025/09/30 23:59
European Journal of Innovation Management
SSCI (JCR 2023)
IF 5.0
Q1 (BUSINESS 68/304)
Q1 (MANAGEMENT 81/407)
The role of AI in learning from innovation failures: A way to succeed or a source of failures?
Theoretical advancements on the role of AI as an instrument to address innovation failures
Theoretical advancements on the role of AI as a cause of innovation failures
The Predictive role of AI in innovation failure
AI as an instrument to uncover patterns and factors that contribute to innovation failures
AI as Decision Support Systems in innovation management failures
AI as a Learning Systems that help organizations to learn from past failures and integrate these lessons
Investigation of the effects of AI on the organization
Ethical Considerations about using AI in the context of innovation failures
Ways to mitigate the AI innovation failures
Comparative studies of AI applications in innovation failure analysis across different contexts
Emerging AI technologies and methodologies that could further enhance the understanding and mitigation of innovation failures
Submission Deadline: 30 September 2025
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