SSCI《Journal of Management Studies》征稿: 迈向以社会为中心的负责任领导
截止日期:2025/10/31 23:59
Journal of Management Studies
SSCI (JCR 2023)
IF 7.0
Q1 (BUSINESS 36/302)
Q1 (MANAGEMENT 47/401)
Toward Society-Centred Responsible Leadership: Perspectives on Theory, Practices, and Challenges
Conceptual and Theoretical Development of Responsible Leadership
While there are many commonalities among definitions of RL (see above), the concept and construct are still emergent. What clear and consistent definitions of RL can be agreed upon and what elements may vary according to context? How can RL be clearly delineated from related constructs such as inclusive leadership and servant leadership?
How do we theorize ‘responsibility’ in relation to RL by drawing upon theories from philosophy, political economy, management, and other fields? How can we understand responsible leadership as multidimensional through, for example, ethical, moral, legal, social, and other dimensions?
How might we integrate theories previously used to understand RL to offer novel theoretical perspectives that help us understand this phenomenon?
Is ‘irresponsible leadership’ the flip side of ‘responsible leadership’? How do responsibility and irresponsibility intersect and reproduce each other in the process of RL?
What is the potential dynamism (e.g., tensions; connections) of RL across levels or at the intersection of different levels, such as when the understanding of responsibility is transformed from an individual value to an organizational process?
Are responsibility and RL theorized differently in Western and non-Western philosophical and moral traditions?
Empirical Exploration of Responsible Leadership: Leaders, Stakeholders, Intra-Organization Collaborations
How do leaders deal with tensions, such as responsibility and irresponsibility, secrecy and transparency simultaneously, in generating and maintaining RL? What are the approaches responsible leaders use to manage or reconcile tensions and contradictions?
What might be the complexities, contradictions, and tensions experienced by different stakeholder groups in relation to RL? What are the distinctive judgements and assessments of RL from different stakeholder groups, such as employees, consumers, social movement groups, non-governmental organizations, and governments? How does a particular stakeholder group respond to and cope with these complexities, and what are the implications?
Do stakeholder groups express and exercise their resistance to RL? If so, how and under what conditions?
How does a local context, such as specific cultural conventions and expectations, legal requirements, and organizational circumstances (e.g., amid an organizational scandal), shape relevant stakeholders’ evaluation and perception of RL, such as its claims and practices toward authenticity, legitimacy, credibility, and transparency? How do such evaluation and reception reshape the meaning and forms of responsible leaders?
What symbols, narratives, rituals, and embodiments might be at play in shaping stakeholders’ perceptions and judgments of responsible leaders and RL? How are alternative imaginaries and imaginations of RL generated and translated into the lived experiences of stakeholders?
How does RL constitute intra-organizational collaboration toward sustainability goals, and vice versa? What conditions of organizational structures and stakeholder relationships are important for such a constitution to function effectively?
Dark Sides of Responsible Leadership
What challenges and crises do leaders face when coping with social and environmental problems? What might be the downsides of such coping?
What might be the counter-sustainable consequences, such as manipulation and exploitation, of RL?
Are there possibilities that RL is being transformed into a form of authoritative and coercive leadership?
What is the influence of politics and local policy in (unintentionally) contributing to particular dark sides of RL, such as corruption?
Methodological Innovation in Studying Responsible Leadership
When shifting the focus from leader-follower dynamics to leader-stakeholder dynamics, what are the distinct challenges and opportunities for the development of new methodologies? How can this methodological development and innovation be achieved?
What are antecedents, moderators, and outcomes, but also relations and processes that are specific to an understanding of RL that focuses on the influence of leadership beyond employees? And how can we study those?
How can we investigate RL as a multi-level phenomenon?
Submission Deadline: 31 October 2025