SSCI《Journal of Management Studies》征稿: 社会运动与组织走向理想未来
截止日期:2025/09/30 23:59
Journal of Management Studies
SSCI (JCR 2023)
IF 7.0
Q1 (BUSINESS 36/302)
Q1 (MANAGEMENT 47/401)
Social Movements and Organizing towards (Un)Desirable Futures
Can we better understand the impact of movements’ prefigurative and alternative organizing efforts in shaping the future? How do contentious forms of activism and prefigurative organizing interact in mobilizing and organizing towards alternative futures? And what are the impacts of prefigurative versus contentious forms of activism on restructuring organizations, markets, and fields?
Future-making involves ongoing moralizing work of delineating “desirable” from“undesirable” futures. What are the values and practices at play in this moralizing work? How do future imaginaries and future-making practices intersect with claims of morality? Which future imaginaries lie behind divergent moralities of markets? How does morality play into or work against the economic interests and values of certain actors? And how do competing movements attempt to moralize different potential futures in organizations, markets, and fields?
What are future imaginaries of movements that have not traditionally been our focus? How can we better understand authoritarian, populist, or non-emancipatory movements’ organizing towards the future? How do they mobilize towards their desirable futures (at times by using the same tactics as emancipatory movements, e.g., Dannemann, 2023; Futrell & Simi, 2004), and how are these future-making effects affecting the social-ecological transformation of the economy and markets?
What are the unintended consequences of movements’ efforts to bring about“desirable” futures? Whose imaginaries become more desirable in which organizations, markets, and fields? What are the inter-movement dynamics across the plurality of movements that advocate for various “desirable” futures?
What role do emotions play in enabling movements to shape the future? For example, what is the impact of fear and despair versus hope and confidence of a better future on future-making practices (DeCelles, Sonenshein, & King, 2020)? Which kinds of emotions are evoked in the moralizing work of desirable futures and in the future-making practices of different movements, and what are the effects?
Submission Deadline: 30 September 2025