SSCI《Accounting and Finance》征稿: 可持续金融
截止日期:2025/02/28 23:59
Accounting and Finance
SSCI (JCR 2023)
IF 3.1
Sustainable Finance
Determinants and consequences of corporate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) engagement and performance
Empirical measurements of ESG (i.e., the potency of ESG ratings, greenwashing)
Survey evidence on corporate managers, households, or institutional investors on their perceptions toward ESG, climate change, and/or climate risk
The interactions between regulators and stakeholders in influencing firms’ ESG investment
The trade-offs between societal returns and financial returns
The effect of ESG-linked compensation on managers’ behaviour
Impact investing and sustainable banking
ESG investing and institutional investors’ attitude toward ESG investing
The strategic behaviour of institutional investors in changing the ESG profile of their portfolios and whether they walk the talk
The role of asset ownership and firms’ ESG investment
The relationships between new technologies, innovation, and ESG investment
The interaction between firms’ ESG consideration and their product markets
Market efficiency in pricing climate risk ranging from physical risk to regulatory risk/transition risk
Determinants of corporate toxic emissions and their implications
Contrarian research, for example, research that shows incorporating ESG considerations into decision-making may not pay off
Research using international data, studying listed or private companies, or asset classes other than equity
Sustainable finance and poverty reduction
Fintech innovation supporting sustainable finance
Innovative financial instruments for sustainability
Submission Deadline: 28 February 2025
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