SSCI《International Journal of Educational Research》征稿: 大学-学校伙伴关系
截止日期:2025/01/31 23:59
International Journal of Educational Research
SSCI (JCR 2023)
IF 2.6
University-school partnerships: improving education towards social and global justice
First, there appears to be limited evidence revealing how the ongoing international education and developmental debates in universities – such as decolonising education, sustainable development and SDGs, global citizenship, development partnerships/educational aid, and peace education – are reflected in the aims, purposes and processes of university-school partnerships. Whilst these themes are commonly discussed by university scholars, they are rarely to be seen in university-school partnered projects. Therefore, this special issue aims not only to investigate how university-school partnerships address immediately applicable contextual needs through practical cases but also to emphasise the partnerships’ role in promoting decolonisation of education, nurturing intercultural understanding, and fostering sustainable education within specific contexts.
Second, it is evident that existing university-school partnerships have potential issues, such as perceived hierarchies of knowledge and practice, as well as differences in needs, goals, and discourses. These hierarchies may also exist between policy makers and the educational institutions. We aim to present articles about innovative or alternative university-school partnerships that avoid one-way advisor-advisee or researcher-participant relationships but seek to explore how the multiple stakeholders collaborate in various forms to co-produce knowledge and address social and global issues within educational practice. Through specific cases/projects within certain contexts, our goal is to illuminate the dynamics of interactions between universities and schools, the processes of knowledge co-production, and the potential outcomes across individual and organisational dimensions.
Third, we wonder how university-school partnerships can play a greater role in particular regions to enhance education and achieve global targets and justice. We are therefore particularly interested in contributions from authors in countries in the Global South, and articles about partnerships in the context of Global South. This includes not only the partnerships between universities from the Global North and schools from the Global South, which may be related to discussions about international education/development partnerships, but also the cooperation between universities and schools within the local context. The aim is to illustrate how they support each other in localised educational practice, the nature of relationships in enabling education to fulfil its roles within local and indigenous contexts, and what distinctive partnership models can be proposed or may be existing that improve education in the Global South.
Submission Deadline: 31 January 2025