SSCI《Research in International Business and Finance》征稿: 金融监管创新前沿
截止日期:2025/05/30 23:59
Research in International Business and Finance
SSCI (JCR 2023)
IF 6.3
Frontiers in Regulatory Innovation in Finance
Sustainability, SDGs and ESG regulatory innovations and reforms
Market impact of sustainability, SDGs and ESG regulation
Robustness of ESG metrics and methodologies
Sustainability, SDGs and ESG reporting and compliance reforms
Regulatory innovation in green finance
Regulatory innovation and its impact on green bonds, catastrophe bonds and debt markets in general
Intersection of regulation, reporting and compliance in sustainability, fintech and AI
Regulations and ESG risk pricing and/or mitigation in banking, insurance, and financial services and markets
SDGs and ESG-related regulatory innovation and its impact on the investors, investment intermediaries and investees, as well as other stakeholders
Innovation in climate (sustainability) disclosure and reporting standards
Corporate and sectoral responses to regulatory innovation and reforms in the areas of environmental sustainability and ESG resilience
Innovation in green regulations and its impact on the banking, insurance, and financial services and markets
Regulatory innovation in ESG, environmental and ethical/CSR ratings
The role of partnerships between the private sector and the regulatory and legislative innovators in SDGs and ESG-related fields
Intersections of fintech, AI, and CSR and ESG in banking, insurance, and financial services and markets regulation
Other topics relating to the nexus of financial sector regulation and ESG and technology-related risks
Submission Deadline: 30 May 2025