SSCI《Journal of Business Venturing》征稿: 创业、技术与影响
截止日期:2025/09/01 23:59
Journal of Business Venturing
SSCI (JCR 2023)
IF 7.7
Q1 (BUSINESS 29/302)
Entrepreneurship, Technology, and Impacts: Multilevel, Multidisciplinary, and Multi-contextual Perspectives
Micro Level:
Organizational Behavior/HRM: How do organizational behavior/human resource issues, such as championing and leadership, work-life balance, organizational justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion, affect (or be affected by) technological entrepreneurship?
Teams: How do scientists and tech entrepreneurs form and manage their teams? Do these teams rely on external advice from advisory boards or stakeholders?
Emotions: What are the positive/negative effects of emotions in technology entrepreneurship activities? What are the implications of failure or unsuccessful experiences for technology entrepreneurs?
Identity: How has identity developed in tech entrepreneurs, and what is the role of the organizational culture in identity formation?
Diversity: How do individual characteristics and diversity (e.g., education, prior experience, minority groups) affect technology entrepreneurship processes and outcomes?
Meso Level:
Structures: How do individual characteristics and diversity (e.g., education, prior experience, minority groups) affect technology entrepreneurship processes and outcomes?
Mechanisms: How do cultural mechanisms—like those tied to history, place, tradition, community, rituals, identity, symbolism, storytelling, aesthetics, authenticity, and legacy—affect processes (e.g., creativity, innovation, meaning construction, resource mobilization, product development) and outcomes (e.g., stakeholder support, commercialization, technology diffusion) in technology entrepreneurship?
Strategies: How do tech organizations (e.g. firms, universities, federal/national labs) formulate and implement strategies to promote equality, diversity, and inclusion? How do these strategies impact performance? Which new metrics have been implemented to measure and monitor performance?
Impacts: How can end users be integrated earlier in developing technological initiatives alongside industrial partners, trading partners, and intermediaries, including co-creation processes for addressing societal challenges? Which new metrics have been implemented to measure and monitor societal impacts?
Macro Level:
Policies: What evidence exists on the effectiveness of policy frameworks for fostering technological entrepreneurship across multi-contexts (e.g., cities, regions, countries, or continents)? How has the pandemic affected technological entrepreneurship?
Ecosystems: How do ecosystem interactions emerge and evolve, and what is the role of key organizations, such as tech ventures, universities, and federal/national labs, in an ecosystem?
Regional impacts: What is the role of technology entrepreneurship in more/less developed regions of the world, and how does it affect regional and national economic performance?
Societal impacts: How have societal challenges affected entrepreneurial ecosystems, tech ventures, and science-based co-creation processes? How has the democratization of technology or public good movements impacted technology entrepreneurs and their social impacts?
Submission Deadline: 1 September 2025