SSCI《Agricultural and Food Economics》征稿: 短食品供应链、可持续与韧性
截止日期:2025/12/31 23:59
Agricultural and Food Economics
SSCI (JCR 2023)
IF 4.0
Q1 (ECONOMICS 76/597)
Short Food Supply Chains and Transitions to Sustainable and Resilient Food Systems
Opportunities and challenges for farmers to participate in short food supply chains
The potential of sustainable public sector food procurement to be unleashed through short food supply chains
The contribution of short food supply chains to local and regional development including food /gastro tourism, farm-based tourism, rural-urban synergies
Shortening supply chains of processed products to hotels, restaurants and catering through vertical collaboration
Short food supply chains as a tool for valorising origin products, agrobiodiversity and agroecological transitions
Conceptual, methodological and empirical advances in understanding the costs and benefits, sustainability and resilience of short food supply chains
The practical and technical dimensions of short food supply chains, e.g. closed loop systems, smart shared logistics, the role of digital technology
The role of multi-actor collaboration and knowledge exchange in developing short food supply chains
The mechanisms, policies and governance structures that enable short food supply chains to scale up or scale out
The contributions of short food supply chains to alternative economies, economic fairness and equity
Gender dynamics in short food supply chains
The role of short food supply chains in enabling access to healthy, nutritious diets for all, including their potential contribution to realising the right to food and other human rights
The intricate connections and dynamics between short food supply chains and food security
The role of short food supply chains in addressing agriculture's climate-related challenges, exploring their potential to mitigate crises brought about by climatic factors
The contribution of short food supply chains to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals
Consumer behaviour in relation to short food supply chains
Submission Deadline: 31 December 2024
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