SSCI《International Marketing Review》征稿:体验式消费在全球市场的兴起
截止日期:2025/04/15 09:59
International Marketing Review
SSCI (JCR 2023)
IF 4.8
Q1 (BUSINESS 71/302)
Beyond Goods: The Rise of Experiential Consumption in International/Global Markets
International market entry strategies for retail/tourist/luxury/digital/brand experiences
Pricing strategies for retail/tourist/luxury/digital/brand experiences across countries
Metrics to measure the effectiveness of retail/tourist/luxury/digital/brand experiences in cross-cultural contexts
Cross-cultural differences in consumer responses to retail/tourist/luxury/digital/brand experiences across countries
Balancing between global vs. glocal vs. local strategies in the design of retail/tourist/luxury/digital/brand experiences
Designing omnichannel customer experiences for culturally diverse consumer groups
Cross-cultural challenges in the delivery of retail/tourist/luxury/digital experiences from the service provider's (or the employee’s) perspective
The impact of culture on consumer co-creation in the design and delivery of retail/tourist/luxury/digital/brand experiences across borders
Failure and recovery strategies in retail/tourist/luxury/digital/brand experiences for culturally diverse consumer groups
The impact of international retail/tourist/luxury/digital experiences on brand attitudes, perceptions and behaviours
How to best distribute international retail/tourist/luxury/digital/brand experiences
Digital vs phygital (hybrid) international retail/tourist/luxury/digital/brand experiences
Submission Deadline: 15 April 2025
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