SSCI《Journal of Business Research》征稿:沉浸式技术提升消费者福祉
截止日期:2025/04/01 23:59
Journal of Business Research
SSCI (JCR 2022)
IF 11.3
Q1 (BUSINESS 14/154)
Enhancing Consumer Wellbeing with Immersive Technologies
Broader Impacts of Immersive Technologies
The role of immersive technologies in enhancing consumer wellbeing (physical or mental health, emotional and psychological satisfaction, happiness, quality of life)
Analysis of the multifaceted dimensions of consumer wellbeing, examining consumer satisfaction of physical, social or emotional needs
The potential positive or negative impact of immersive technologies on subjective wellbeing (physical risks, mental health problems, social issues, etc.)
Influence of immersive technologies on consumers’ physical, mental, and social health
Positive and negative effects of immersive technology applications on different types of wellbeing (personal, emotional, mental, physical, social, professional, etc.)
Ethical Aspects of Immersive Technologies
The role of inverse technologies in removing inequalities and integrating the most disadvantaged or disabled users
Positive and negative aspects associated with the collection and use of personal data in the personalisation of experiences in virtual environments
The role of immersive technologies in promoting sustainable behaviours (reduction of pollution or consumption of non-renewable resources, better care of the environment, healthy consumption patterns, etc.)
Challenges and opportunities of immersive technologies to enhance customer experience and wellbeing in different contexts (education, public services, health, tourism, art, etc.)
Consumers’ awareness, concerns, worries, and responses to gathering personal information when using immersive technologies
User Responses to Immersive Technologies
Impact of immersive technologies (isolated or combined) on user perceptions, intentions, and real behaviour
Cognitive, emotional, behavioural, sensorial, or social responses to immersive user experiences
Positive and negative effects of body-technology integration: embodiment, ergonomics, wellbeing, comfort, mental stimulation, etc
Changes in realism, immersion, and other user perceptions by incorporating new sensory stimuli (smell, touch, or taste) into the visual and auditory stimuli
Drivers and barriers to the adoption of immersive technologies
Submission Deadline: 1 April 2025
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