SSCI《Socio-Economic Planning Sciences》征稿: 政策制度、社会经济与循环经济


截止日期:2025/02/28 23:59


Socio-Economic Planning Sciences



SSCI (JCR 2023)

IF 6.2

Q1 (ECONOMICS 32/597)

Q1 (MANAGEMENT 59/401)

SCIE (JCR 2023)

IF 6.2




Policy and institutional perspectives in advancing the socio-economic embeddedness of the circular economy



Policy frameworks for circular economy development: Exploration of national and regional policies that facilitate the integration of circular economy principles, considering their impact on socio-economic development.

Institutional dynamics and circular economy transition: Analysis of the role of institutions in shaping and supporting the transition to a circular economy, with a focus on their influence on socio-economic development outcomes.

Urban and regional perspectives in circular economy development: Study of how urban and regional contexts influence the implementation and success of circular initiatives, and explore strategies for fostering circularity within diverse territorial settings

Cross-sectoral collaboration and socio-economic impact: Examination of collaborative efforts between public and private sectors, academia, and civil society in advancing circular economy initiatives and their broader socio-economic impact.

Circular economy metrics and socio-economic assessment: Development and application of metrics and assessment tools to evaluate the socio-economic impact of circular economy policies and practices.

Well-being, sustainability, and local development in the circular economy: Investigation of how circular economy principles contribute to community well-being and sustainable development.

Challenges and opportunities in circular socio-economic development: Identification and analysis of challenges faced by policymakers and institutions in advancing circular economy goals and opportunities for socio-economic development of cities and regions.

Novel approaches and methodologies in advancing circular socio-economic development: Exploration and proposition of cutting-edge methods, models, or frameworks that offer fresh perspectives on integrating circular economy principles into socio-economic systems (e.g. advanced data analytics, novel modeling techniques, interdisciplinary methodologies, etc.)



Submission Deadline: 28 February 2025


