SSCI《Industrial Marketing Management》征稿:B2B市场中不道德的企业行为


截止日期:2025/08/01 23:59


Industrial Marketing Management



SSCI (JCR 2023)

IF 7.8

Q1 (BUSINESS 27/302)

Q1 (MANAGEMENT 28/401)



Unethical, controversial, and illegal corporate practices in the business-to-business market



Antecedents of unethical, controversial, and illegal activities: What factors induce business-to-business firms to engage in such business practices? The antecedents can be explored from two broad perspectives: internal and external.

Internal perspective - Studies adopting an internal perspective may identify and investigate various firm-level internal antecedents of unethical, controversial, and illegal business practices. Some examples of themes that fall under this perspective (but are not limited to) are as follows:

Whether the top-level management characteristics (such as the CEO’s background, broad size, board diversity, etc.) affect a firm’s propensity to engage in unethical, controversial, and illegal practices.

Do resource-constraint business-to-business firms engage more in unethical, controversial, and illegal corporate practices?

What is the role of internal stakeholders (i.e., employees) in inducing firms to engage in unethical, controversial, and illegal business practices?

Does a firm’s organizational structure/management philosophy/size/ financial performance/capital structure affect a firm’s propensity to engage in unethical, controversial, and illegal corporate practices?

External perspective -Studies adopting an external perspective may identify and investigate various external contextual antecedents of unethical, controversial, and illegal business practices. Some examples of themes that fall under this perspective (but are not limited to) are as follows:

Whether the legal/competitive environment induces firms to engage in unethical, illegal business practices.

Whether the competitive environment/industry structure/industry performance, etc., have any impact on a firm’s inclination to engage in unethical, illegal business practices

Financial consequences - The financial consequences of corporate malpractices include cost of capital, firm profitability, cash-flow volatility stock price, firm value, firm risk, etc. Some examples of themes that fall under this perspective (but are not limited to) are as follows:

Does engagement in deviant corporate practices hinder resource acquisitions?

Do firms that engage in unethical, illegal business practices have higher insolvency risk

What is the role of engagement in unethical, controversial, and illegal corporate practices on a firm’s accounting-based performance measures (e.g., profitability), product market-based performance measures (e.g., sales growth, market share), and stock market-based performance measures (e.g., systematic risk, idiosyncratic risk, firm value)

Non-Financial consequences - Some examples of themes that fall under this perspective (but are not limited to) are as follows:

The impact of unethical, controversial, and illegal corporate activities on market-based assets such as the corporate brand/product brand, customer satisfaction, customer equity, corporate reputation, etc.

The effect of corporate malpractices by one particular department (i.e., marketing) on other departments of the same firm (i.e., sales, human resources). For example, studies may explore the effect of unethical marketing practices on employee productivity and morale.



Submission Deadline: 1 August 2025


