SSCI《Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics》征稿:食品与农业中的行为经济学
截止日期:2025/07/31 23:59
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics
SSCI (JCR 2023)
IF 1.6
Q2 (ECONOMICS 273/597)
Behavioral Economics in Food and Agriculture
Farm-to-fork strategies for behavioural change towards sustainable food production and consumption
Institutions as inhibitors or channels for scaling sustainable food production
Consumer preferences on sustainable food choices
Behavioral insights into the effectiveness of policy interventions aimed at reducing food waste.
The economics of food security and its relationship with behavioral changes towards sustainability
Behavioral approaches to enhancing the resilience of the food supply chain in the face of climate change
The influence of behavioral factors on the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices
Behavioral insights into water conservation and management in agriculture
The role of farmer behavior in biodiversity conservation and the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
Renewable energy adoption in the agricultural sector
Behavioral nudges on reducing the carbon footprint of agricultural practices
Behavioral aspects of land-use decisions and their implications for sustainability and climate change
Analysis of risk perception and decision-making among farmers in the context of climate change and extreme weather events
Behavioral interventions for enhancing the sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture
Social norms and cultural practices on sustainable farming and food consumption
The efficacy of policy instruments (e.g., carbon pricing, subsidies for sustainable practices) in changing behaviors in the agricultural sector
Strategies for engaging communities in sustainable land management and conservation efforts
Environmental culture and sustainable farming practices
Submission Deadline: 31 July 2025
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