SSCI《Journal of Management Studies》征稿:管理研究的跨学科性
Journal of Management Studies
SSCI (JCR 2023)
IF 7.0
Q1 (BUSINESS 36/302)
Q1 (MANAGEMENT 47/401)
Interdisciplinarity in Management Research: Premises, Promises, and Pitfalls
How and why could interdisciplinary studies contribute to a better understanding of grand societal challenges such as climate change, sustainability, inequality and democracy?
How might different research philosophies common in management studies impact interdisciplinary research and the methods underpinning it?
How can we balance the varying priorities of different disciplines related to theoretical contribution, practical implications, and policy or societal impact when designing an interdisciplinary project that addresses a management audience broadly speaking?
How can studies that cross within-management silos (e.g., Organizational Behaviour vs. Organization and Management Theory) be used to inform work that spans entire disciplines?
What is the lifecycle of interdisciplinary approaches to conducting research, both theoretically and methodologically, from genesis to obsolescence?
What have been the greatest management ‘exports’ to other disciplines and how can this inform future research?
How can bibliometrics and big data/AI tools be used to identify the next big external influences on management research?
How are similar topics studied differently across different fields and disciplines and what can be learned from such cross-disciplinary reviews?
How are theoretical assumptions across disciplines different from each other and how does that translate to different methods or research questions? What can we learn from “looking over the fence”?
Are there universal truths across disciplines? Are there things we can agree on or are we confronted with subjective truths? How does interdisciplinarity deal with the accumulation and convergence of scientific knowledge?
How might conventions that are considered pitfalls and/or weaknesses in other disciplines be a source of inspiration or support for navigating tensions in management?
How to address the problem of incommensurability when different disciplines work based on different epistemological and ontological positions?
How are professions and professional boundaries affected by a multidisciplinary approach to management education?
How can interdisciplinarity in methodological approaches shape the nature of innovation?
What are the necessary conditions for interdisciplinary projects to be successful, and how to measure such “success” more generally? What can we learn from research on integrating diverse perspectives in teamwork and apply it to interdisciplinary research?
Submission Deadline: 31 March 2025