截止日期:2024/01/05 23:59
The Dr. Seaker Chan Center for Comparative Political Development Studies of Fudan University has launched the application call for the research projects of this academic year. The application is now open to the public and the relevant matters are announced as follows:
一、申报对象(The Eligible Applicants)
Researchers from universities, party schools, social science institutes, party and government organizations, the news media and some other relevant departments all over the China.
二、主题和资助(Theme & Funding)
The annual theme of these projects is focused on comparative studies of the party politics and national governance during the digital era all over the world, other related topics about comparative politics also welcomed. More details are listed in the Guide to the Project below. Or you can also choose the research topic relevant to the annual theme and decide the research title by yourself. The center will fund each project about 15,000 yuan. In principle, it is required to complete the project within ten months. The research results are in the form of research reports or academic articles (15-20 thousand Chinese words), all of which need to be original researches unpublished anywhere and in line with basic academic norms. Selected papers which are outstanding in this field will be used first by the Center, that will be recommended to academic journals or published in book format.
三、申报细则(Some Details for Application)
Firstly, applicants can visit the website of The Dr. Seaker Chan Center for Comparative Political Development Studies of Fudan University. (http://www.ccpds.fudan.edu.cn/). Then click to “Download Page” and download the file of 2023-2024 Annual Project Application Form of the The Dr. Seaker Chan Center for Comparative Political Development Studies of Fudan University and other related materials. After the completion (the applicant's signature must be handwritten by the applicant) of the application form, please print in A4 paper on both sides of the double-stitch, and send two copies to The Dr. Seaker Chan Center for Comparative Political Development Studies of Fudan University. The electronic version is also need to be sent to ccpds@fudan.edu.cn.
Secondly, please notice that the deadline for application is January 5, 2024.
Thirdly, the Academic Committee of The Dr. Seaker Chan Center for Comparative Political Development Studies of Fudan University will review the bidding topics and announced shortlisted topics.
收 件 方:陈树渠比较政治发展研究中心
Address: Room 725,Wenke Building, 299 Guonian Road, School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University, Shanghai, P.R. China.
Recipient: The Dr. Seaker Chan Center for Comparative Political Development Studies
Post code: 200433
Contact number: 021-65642472
Email: ccpds@fudan.edu.cn
The Dr. Seaker Chan Center for Comparative Political Development Studies
Fudan University
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