

截止日期:2023/02/17 23:59

2023年9月14-15日,由英国卡迪夫大学新闻、媒介与文化学院主办的2023年度的新闻业的未来国际学术研讨会(The Future of Journalism 2023 Conference)将在该校举行。来稿可以关注如下议题:冲突报道中的记者角色与新闻业、系统性变化(如气候变化)报道的挑战,社交媒体如何影响受众的新闻反应和新闻消费,新闻业与新闻报道的性别化议题,以及新闻教育的相应变革,等等。


The Future of Journalism 2023 conference invites submissions on all aspects of journalism.

The event is hosted by the School of Journalism, Media and Culture (JOMEC) and it takes place at Cardiff University on the 14th & 15th of September.

The organisers especially encourage contributions addressing the theme of “Journalism in troubled times: threats, opportunities and research”

This includes, but is not limited to, papers addressing themes such as:

The role of journalists and journalism in covering conflict including war, repression, and political violence

The challenges created in reporting on authoritarian and/or populist political movements

In an age of Trump, Putin, Johnson, Bolsonaro and many more, the threat to journalism’s standards, normative behaviours, and the compromises to journalistic values in covering populism/authoritarianism?

The challenges created by reporting on and/or for minority communities

The challenges of reporting systemic or existential changes, such as climate change

The accommodations made by legacy news institutions under pressure and the impact on ideals of journalistic objectivity, quality, and fairness

The role of social media in shaping audience responses to journalism and news consumption

The impact of both online and physical abuse and threat to journalistic challenge to authority

Ongoing issues around the gendering of journalism and news

The tensions between the role of legacy media and alternative media in covering crises

The changing patterns of sourcing and roles of expertise in journalism

The implications for improving journalism education associated with these developments

Confirmed keynote speakers include Professor Jane B. Singer of City, University of London and Dr Valérie Bélair-Gagnon, Associate Professor and Cowles Fellow in Media Management, Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication

The deadline for abstracts (300 words maximum) is February 17th, 2023.

The fee for the conference is £275 (£50 for students), which includes buffet lunches and tea/coffee breaks on both days of the conference as well as the conference dinner on the evening of 14th September.

Please do not submit more than one abstract as first author, and no more than two abstracts in total.
