



王 萍,李雨露

(河南大学教育学部,河南开封 475004)

[摘要] 教育情怀是教师对学生、对教育的一种关系性体验,属于情感现象的范畴,情感现象学对于我们理解教育情怀的情感之维及生成路径提供了一种可能。情感现象学认为,情感具有客观先验性、层次性和价值等级性,它包括人的一切感官的、机体的、心理的以及精神的客观先验感受。从情感现象学视角分析,教育情怀具有心灵感受性、客观先验性与精神价值性的情感特性。教育情怀生成于体验奠基的教师个体教育情怀,并由经验汇集成教师群体的教育情怀,最后理论升华至普遍性的教育情怀。

[关键词] 教育情怀;情感现象学;生成路径


The Emotional Dimension and Generation Path of Educational Feeling

——From the Perspective of Emotion Phenomenology

WANG Ping, LI Yu-lu

(Faculty of Education, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan, 475004, China)

Abstract: Educational sentiment is a relational experience of teachers with students and education, which belongs to the category of emotional phenomena. Emotional phenomenology provides a possibility for us to understand the emotional dimension and generation path of educational sentiment. The phenomenology of emotion holds that emotion has objective transcendental, hierarchical and value hierarchy, which includes all the objective transcendental feelings of human senses, organism, psychology and spirit. From the perspective of emotion phenomenology, educational feelings have the emotional characteristics of spiritual feeling, objective transcendence and spiritual value. The education feelings are generated from the individual education feelings of teachers, which are based on the experience, and become the education feelings of the teacher group. The theory sublimates to the universal education feelings.

Key Words: educational feelings, phenomenology of emotion, generation path




杨 银

(南京师范大学道德教育研究所,江苏南京 210097)

[摘要] 转型期教育发展的内卷化,在深层次上关涉教育主体内在观念、情绪情感的内卷化。以“内卷化”为视角,考察教师内在教育视界的情感样态,发现教师教育情感受转型期社会多元文化“价值失序”、教育工具理性思维及人之身心复杂性等因素影响,呈现出教育价值观的困惑、教学实践的机械化处置与路径依赖、自我关怀的弱化与发展停滞的内卷化病征。为此,宏观上需精准把握教师所处的社会-学校-人际文化生态,以文化认同引领教师教育情感生成、深化的价值生态;中观上以制度保障规范师范生的养成教育,以理论与实践交互生成培育师范生的情感-人格素养;微观上以人文主义方法增强自我关怀与认同的内生力,促进教师教育情感的充盈与升华。

[关键词] 教师;教育情感;内卷化;情感-人格素养


On the Crisis and Solution of the “Involution” of Teachers’ Educational Emotion


(Institute of Moral Education, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing ,Jiangsu,210097,China)

Abstract: The involution of education development during the transitional period involves the involution of the internal concepts, emotions and emotions of the educational subject at a deeper level.From the perspective of “involution”, we examine the emotional state of teachers’ internal education horizons, and find that teachers’ educational emotions are affected by internal and external factors such as social multicultural “value disorder” in the transitional period, educational tool rational thinking, and the complexity of people’s body and mind. Presenting symptoms of involution, manifested in the confusion of educational values, the mechanized handling and path dependence of teaching practice, and the weakening of self-care and stagnation of development.To solve the “involution” of teachers’ educational emotions,in the macro level,it is necessary to accurately grasp the social-school-interpersonal cultural ecology in which teachers are involved, and use cultural identity to guide the value ecology of teacher education emotion generation and deepening; In the middle view, institutional guarantees are used to standardize the cultivation and education of teacher students, and the emotional-personality qualities of teacher students are cultivated through the interaction of theory and practice;in the micro level, humanistic methods are used to enhance the endogenous power of self-care and identification, and promote the filling and sublimation of teachers’ educational emotions.

Key Words: teacher,educational emotion,involution,emotion-personality literacy



程 龙

(四川师范大学教育科学学院,四川成都 610068)

[摘要] 教师行使教育惩戒权蕴含着情绪劳动,长期遭受负性情绪困扰,需要对其进行积极引导和合理调控。教师行使教育惩戒权情绪劳动表现在三个方面:概念特征上包含师生双方的情绪劳动,产生过程上是教师对学生违纪行为是否予以惩戒的“判断”,行为意向上表现为教师“不敢惩”“不愿惩”。教师行使教育惩戒权的情绪劳动容易造成“工作倦怠”“伪装扮演”“情绪耗竭”等现实困境。为了化解教师行使教育惩戒权的情绪困境,促使教育惩戒权合情、合理、合法地使用,需要正确认识教师行使教育惩戒权中的情绪劳动,通过“内修外铄”提升教师心理资本素质,借助“反思实践”培育教师情绪智慧,通过协同共建提供组织和情境因素支持。

[关键词] 教育惩戒权;情绪劳动;情绪负荷;情绪心理学


On the Emotional Labor of Teachers’ Exercise of Educational Disciplinary Power


(College of Education Science, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610068, China)

Abstract: Teachers’ exercise of educational discipline power contains emotional labor, and they suffer from negative emotional distress for a long time, so they need to be actively guided and reasonably regulated. Teachers’ exercise of educational discipline power is manifested in the conceptual features include the emotional labor of teachers and students, the production process is the “judgment” of whether teacher will discipline students for disciplinary violations, and the behavioral intention teachers “afraid to punish” and “unwilling to punish”. The emotional labor of teachers exercising the right of education and discipline has caused realistic dilemmas such as “job burnout”, “pretend play” and “emotional exhaustion”. In order to resolve the emotional dilemma of teachers exercise of educational discipline power for the rational, reasonable and legal use, we need correctly understand the emotional labor, improve teachers psychological capital through “internal cultivation and external training”, cultivate teachers emotional wisdom with the help of “reflective practice”, and cooperate to provide organizational and contextual factors support.

Key Words: educational disciplinary power,emotional labor,emotional load,emotional psychology




(浙江大学教育学院课程与学习科学系,浙江杭州 310058)

[摘要] 美国教育哲学家马克辛·格林的教师主体意识观建构根植于对辩证自由的认知,以释放想象与可能性,尤其是与各种文学艺术作品相遇为路径达到生活世界中全面觉醒的状态,呈现具身性、主体间性和实践性的特征。格林始终强调主体意识与生活世界的密切关联,无论是个体还是由交互联系之个体建构而成的社会,其全面觉醒均源于生活世界,并最终反馈至生活世界。马克辛·格林博采马克思主义哲学、存在主义现象学、批判教育学等众家之长,其思想对丰富“教师主体意识”的理解有着重要意义。

[关键词] 马克辛·格林;教师;主体意识


On Maxine Greene’s Theory of Teacher Subjective Consciousness

JING Xin-yue, ZHANG Wen-jun

(Department of Curriculum and Learning Sciences, College of Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310058, China)

Abstract: American education philosopher Maxine Greene’s theoretical construction of teacher subjective consciousness is rooted in the cognition of dialogical freedom. It takes the release of imagination and possibility, especially encountering with the arts, as a path to achieve a state of all-wide awakeness in the life world, presenting embodiment, intersubjectivity and practicableness. At the same time, Greene always emphasizes the compact relation between subjective consciousness and the life world; whether it is an individual or a community constructed by interacting individuals, its all-wide awakeness originates from the life world, and will eventually be fed back into the life world. Inspired widely from Marxist philosophy, existential phenomenology, critical pedagogy and so on, her thoughts are of great significance for enriching the understanding of “teacher subjective consciousness”.

Key Words: Maxine Greene, teacher, subjective consciousness




(1. 青海省人民政府—北京师范大学高原科学与可持续发展研究院,青海西宁 810016;2. 青海师范大学教育学院,青海西宁810008)

[摘要] 步入新时代,民族地区教师教育迎来了前所未有的发展契机,但民族地区教师教育发展的羁绊仍未充分消解,立足民族地区教师教育发展现状析出民族地区教师教育高质量发展的应然样态,可为民族地区教师教育高质量发展增能赋力。新时代民族地区教师教育高质量发展需立足于对民族地区教师教育创新培养观念、长效核心政策、治理体系结构、课程教学内容等方面困境的深度审视。在“优师计划”“强师计划”等国家教师教育政策扶持下,明确民族地区教师教育主体地位、精准教师教育定位、优化教师教育课程、坚定教师教育理想可为新时代民族地区教师教育高质量发展筑基。

[关键词] 民族地区;教师教育;提升路径


High-Quality Development of Teacher Education in Ethnic Minority Areas:

Natural Characteristics, Difficulties and Improvement Paths

ZHANG Chun-hai1,XIAO Ying-xin2

(1.Academy of Plateau Science and Sustainability, People’s Government of Qinghai Province & Beijing Normal University, Xining, Qinghai, 810016, China;2.School of Education,Qinghai Normal University, Xining, Qinghai,810008, China)

Abstract: Teacher education in ethnic areas has ushered in an unprecedented development opportunity in the new era, but the drawbacks of traditional teacher education have not been fully resolved. Based on the status quo of the development of teacher education in ethnic areas, the high-quality development of teacher education in ethnic areas should be analyzed, which can empower the high-quality development of teacher education in ethnic areas.The high-quality development of teacher education in ethnic minority areas in the new era must be based on an in-depth examination of the difficulties of insufficient innovative training concepts for teacher education in ethnic minority areas, unstable long-term core policies, poor governance system structure, and lack of new curriculum and teaching content. In the background of the “Excellent Teachers Program” and “Strengthening Teachers Program”, teacher education in ethnic areas urgently needs to innovate models, clarify the main position of teacher education in ethnic areas, precisely position teacher education, optimize teacher education courses, and strengthen teacher education ideals, so as to point out the direction for the development of teacher education in ethnic areas in the new era.

Key Words: ethnic regions, teacher education, improvement paths




(北京师范大学教育学部,北京 100875)

[摘要] 近十年,我国义务教育教师队伍建设取得了显著进展。但随着我国经济社会发展和城镇化进程推进,乡村学校“结构性缺编”,城镇大规模学校“总量性缺编”,固化的身份管理、编制内外同工不同待遇等问题,在相当程度上制约了我国教师队伍建设和义务教育高质量发展。中小学教师编制制度和人事制度改革滞后是造成此现象的深层次“卡脖子”原因。破解这些问题的现实路径是深化改革,创新完善中小学教师编制制度和人事管理制度,并在当前编制总量严控的大背景下,积极主动地改革和创新中小学教师管理体制机制。本文进一步提出了改革完善义务教育教师管理体制;创新编制使用性质和配编方式;实行城乡差异化的编制标准;建立地市调剂和动态调整的编制管理机制;创新人事管理制度,打通优秀编外教师入编通道等政策建议。

[关键词] 教师编制制度;教师人事制度;教师管理体制机制;政策制度创新


Thinking about Innovating and Perfecting the Current Staffing and Personnel

System of Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools in China

PANG Li-juan, JIN Zhi-feng, WANG Hong-lei,YANG Xiao-min

(Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing,100875,China)

Abstract:During rencent ten years, the construction of teachers in compulsory education in China has made remarkable progress. However, with the development of China’s economy and society and the advancement of urbanization, problems such as structural staffing shortage in rural schools and aggregate staffing shortage in large scale schools in cities and towns, solidified identity management, and prominent differences in treatment of the in-staff and out-staff, to a considerable extent, restricted the construction of teachers and the high-quality development of compulsory education. The deep reason is the lag of the reform of the staffing system and personnel system of primary and secondary school teachers. The realistic way to solve these problems is to deepen the reform, innovate and perfect the staffing system and personnel management system of primary and secondary school teachers, and actively reform the management system and mechanism under the background of strict control of the total staffing. Therefore, this paper puts forward the following suggestions: to innovate the staffing usage nature and staffing allocation method; implement differentiated staffing standards between urban and rural areas; establish a staffing management mechanism of prefecture-level distribution and dynamic adjustment, and innovate the personnel management system and open the formal recruitment channel for excellent off-staff teachers.

Key Words:teacher staffing system,teacher personnel system,teacher management system and mechanism,policy and system innovation



郭 芳

(河北师范大学教师教育学院,河北石家庄 050024)

[摘要] 公费师范生培养凸显“地方性”价值取向是师范生成为真正“下得去、留得住、教得好”的优秀教师的保证。首先,“下得去”的意义在于“地方”需要公费师范生推动地方现代化的发展,形成新的地方性价值;同时公费师范生也需要“地方”作为他们身处现代社会的精神根源,形成完整的身份认同。其次,公费师范生要“留得住”,在县域终身扎根地方从教的前提是在传承地方性知识的基础上,强化师范生的地方感与地方认同。最后,掌握地方性知识,将地方性知识与国家课程的普遍性知识有机结合,将地方性知识灵活运用于教育教学之中,提高地方性教育的能力,是公费师范生在县域学校教育中“教得好”的基础。

[关键词] 公费师范生;县域;“地方性”价值  


Local Values in Training of Normal University Students at Public Expense

GUO Fang

(College of Teacher Education, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei,050010, China)

Abstract: It is local values in training of normal university students at public expense that makes them become excellent teachers who can “go down, stay and teach well”. Firstly,“local” needs public funded normal university students to promote the development of local modernization and form new local values; state-funded normal university students also need “local” as their spiritual roots in modern society to form a complete identity. Secondly, the prerequisite for state-funded normal university students to take root and teach in the county is to strengthen their sense of place and local identity on the basis of inheriting local knowledge. Thirdly, mastering local knowledge, combining local knowledge with the general knowledge of national curriculum, flexibly applying local knowledge in education and teaching, and improving the ability of local education are the basis of “teaching well” in county school education for public funded normal university students.

Key Words: public funded normal university students, county, local values



王乃弋,肖金昕,马 瑾,程大志3

(1.北京师范大学教育学部,北京 100875;2.成都市温江区教育局,四川成都 611130;3.首都儿科研究所神经内科,北京 100020)

[摘要] 在鼓励教师不忘教育初心、牢记育人使命的新时代,研究教师职业使命感的形成机制尤为重要。教师职业使命感包含感知使命感和践行使命感两种状态,从使命感知到使命践行中间可能存在断层。本研究以518名中小学教师为调查对象,探讨教师感知使命感对践行使命感的作用机制。结果表明:教师感知使命感显著正向影响践行使命感;工作意义在二者之间起中介作用,职业承诺在二者之间的中介作用不显著;组织支持感负向调节工作意义中介效应的前半路径:当组织支持感较低时,感知使命感通过工作意义对践行使命感的影响较强,反之影响较弱。上述结果提示可以通过提升感知使命感、工作意义感,以及提供合理的组织支持等途径提高教师的践行使命感。

[关键词] 中小学教师;感知使命感;践行使命感;有调节的中介


Influence Mechanism of Perceiving a Calling on Living a Calling in Primary and Secondary School Teachers

WANG Nai-yi1, XIAO Jin-xin2, MA Jin1, CHENG Da-zhi3

(1.Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China;2.The Education Bureau of Wenjiang District, Chengdu, Sichuan, 611130, China;3.Department of Pediatric Neurology, Capital Institute of Pediatrics, Beijing, 100020, China)

Abstract: In the new era which encouraging teachers to keep in mind the original intention and mission of education, it is particularly important to study the formation mechanism of teachers’ career calling. Teachers’ career calling can be divided into perceiving a calling and living a calling. Teachers who perceive a calling may not live it out. This study investigated 518 primary and secondary school teachers, exploring the influence mechanism of perceiving a calling on living a calling. The findings are as follows: teachers’ perceiving a calling has a significant positive impact on living a calling; work meaning, but not career commitment has a mediating effect between perceiving a calling and living a calling; and perceived organizational support moderates the first half path of the mediating effect of work meaning. The lower the perceived organizational support, the higher the impact of perceiving a calling on living a calling through work meaning. The results suggest that teachers’ living a calling can be improved through strengthening perceiving a calling and work meaning, and providing reasonable organizational support.

Key Words: primary and secondary school teachers, perceiving a calling, living a calling, moderated mediating model



孙晓红,李 琼


[摘要] 怎样的评价可以更有效地引导教师潜心育人,已成为当前教育评价改革的热点议题。当教师评价不只是结果性绩效考核,而是促进教师学习的建设性反馈时,才能真正发挥评价的作用。本研究以1431名乡村教师为样本,旨在探讨建设性反馈对乡村教师韧性的影响及其实现路径。数据分析发现,建设性反馈通过四种路径正向作用于乡村教师韧性:一是建设性反馈能够直接促进乡村教师韧性;二是建设性反馈通过改变乡村教师的教学理念间接促进其韧性;三是建设性反馈通过提升乡村教师的教学表现间接促进其韧性;四是建设性反馈通过改变教师的教学理念、提升教师的教学表现进而提升乡村教师韧性。这启示我们教师评价亦可作为教师学习的方式,并影响教师专业发展。

[关键词] 建设性反馈;学习导向的教师评价;乡村教师韧性


What Kind of Evaluation can Promote Rural Teachers’ Resilience:

The Impact of Constructive Feedback and Its Realization Path

SUN Xiao-hong, LI Qiong

(Center for Teacher Education Research, Beijing Normal University, Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Science in Universities, Ministry of Education, Beijing,100875,China)

Abstract: The problem of what kind of evaluation can more effectively guide teachers to be more committed to their teaching profession has become an important topic in current educational evaluation reform. The function of evaluation can only be truly fulfilled when teacher evaluation is not just the performance appraisal but learning-oriented. Using a sample of 1431 rural teachers, the study aims to explore the impact of constructive feedback on the rural teachers’ resilience and the realisation path. The results showed that constructive feedback positively contributes to rural teachers’ resilience in four ways: Firstly, constructive feedback directly promotes rural teachers’ resilience; Secondly, constructive feedback indirectly promotes rural teachers’ resilience by changing their teaching philosophy; Thirdly, constructive feedback indirectly promotes rural teachers’ resilience by improving their teaching performance; Fourthly, constructive feedback promotes rural teachers' resilience by changing their teaching philosophy and improving their teaching performance. This suggests that teacher evaluation can also be used as a way for teacher learning and influence their professional development.

Key Words: constructive feedback, learning-oriented teacher evaluation, rural teachers’ resilience



李 菡, 解光穆

(1.中国传媒大学经济与管理学院,北京 100024;2.宁夏师范学院,宁夏固原 756099)

[摘要] 在关注义务教育教师队伍建设时,应注重对谁选择成为教师、哪些因素促使其选择成为教师等“本源性”问题的探究。对N省36所义务教育学校的2895名教师在高考选择报考师范院校与专业时的家庭经济收入、居住地、社会关系及高考成绩等情况进行问卷调查,发现家庭经济相对困难、居住地相对偏远、家庭社会地位相对偏低、高考成绩相对较低群体,更倾向于选择成为义务教育教师。这表明,公费师范生培养政策是有着充分实证依据的,应继续加大对义务教育教师培养的政策支持力度。

[关键词] 义务教育;教师来源;方差分析;政策建议


Empirical Study on Impact Factors of a Compulsory Educational Teacher

LI Han1,XIE Guang-mu2

(1.School of Economics and Management, Communication University of China, Beijing, 100024, China;2.Ningxia Normal University, Guyuan, Ningxia,756099, China)

Abstract: While fostering and fulfilling capable teachers for compulsory education, issues concerning “origin” on the effect of personal experiences has been identified as impact factors for one to become professional educator. Based on empirical findings from surveying 2895 teachers from 36 compulsory educational schools in N province, elements of their family living area, economic income, social relationship, and college entrance examination scores. This study discovers that becoming compulsory educator is motivated by relatively low and remote status in background factors such as family-income, living area, family social status and college entrance examination scores. The results show that government-subsidized publicly funded grants for normal university students are irreplaceable and indispensable with a positive effect. This study concludes by suggesting the government to extend and elevate policy supports in cultivating teachers for compulsory education.

Key Words: compulsory education, teacher resource, multivariate analysis of variance, policy suggestions




(四川师范大学教育科学学院,四川成都 610066)

[摘要] 本研究基于两个时间点对418名幼儿园教师进行问卷调查,探讨工作负荷对幼儿园教师的工作意义感、工作满意度和离职倾向的影响及其作用机制。研究发现:工作负荷具有双刃剑效应,感知工作负荷后,幼儿园教师既可能因为工作退缩行为增多,导致工作意义感与工作满意度降低、离职倾向增高;也可能因为工作重塑行为增强,出现工作意义感与工作满意度提升。笔者建议为教师提供良好的社会支持,通过培训助其提高工作能力与掌握工作重塑方法,避免工作退缩行为发生以更好地应对工作负荷。

[关键词] 工作负荷;工作退缩;工作重塑;工作意义感;幼儿园教师


The Double-Edge Sword Effects of Workload to Preschool Education Teachers

——Multiple Mediation Models Based on Withdrawal and Job Crafting

MA Li-na

(School of Education Science, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, Sichuan,610066,China)

Abstract:In this study, based on two time points matching data of 418 kindergarten teachers, so as to explore the effect of workload on preschool teachers’ work meaning, job satisfaction and turnover intention as well as the mechanism between these processes. The study found that workload has a double-edged sword effect. Workload could enhance the work withdrawal behavior of preschool teachers, and consequently diminished teachers’ work meaning, job satisfaction and enhance their turnover intention. While at the same time, workload could increase job crafting, thus improving work meaning and job satisfaction. To keep the teachers stabilized, the kindergarten managers should pay close attention to the teacher’s workload, to help teachers improve their work ability and master some methods to conduct job crafting by providing training and supportive work environment for teachers, encourage teachers to cope with workload through crafting their jobs rather than withdrawal.

Key Words: workload, withdrawal, job crafting, work meaning, kindergarten teachers




(陕西学前师范学院教育科学学院,陕西西安 710061)

[摘要] 本研究借用场景知觉研究范式和眼动技术,记录34位教师观看教学视频时的眼动指标,结合口头报告的证据,综合分析不同经验水平教师教学反思的认知加工机制。研究显示:新手教师基于教学行为进行表层反思,关注自身教学行为的呈现;熟手教师基于逻辑推理进行深度反思,关注教学行为背后学生能力的发展。具体表现为:在场景知觉方式上,新手教师以自下而上为主;熟手教师则是自上而下与自下而上相结合;在学生行为关注上,新手教师较为关注典型行为,熟手教师更为关注特殊行为;在教学行为关注上,新手教师在教学行为上的编码时长长于学生行为,熟手教师在学生行为上的编码时长长于教学行为。二者之间的差异根源于课堂行为洞察能力和风险知觉能力的差异。

[关键词] 教学反思;课堂行为洞察能力;风险知觉能力;眼动


Research on the Cognitive Processing Mechanism of Teaching Reflection of Teachers with Different Experience Levels

——Based on Evidence from Eye Movements and Interviews

WANG Bi-mei

(School of Education, Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University,Xi’an, Shaanxi,710061,China)

Abstract:Using the paradigm of scene perception and eye-movement techniques, this study recorded 34 teachers’eye-movement indexes when watching teaching videos, and combined with the evidence of oral reports, comprehensively analyzed the cognitive processing mechanism of teachers with different experience levels in teaching reflection.The results show that novice teachers reflect on their teaching behavior and pay attention to the presentation of their own teaching behavior.Proficient teachers reflect deeply based on logical reasoning and pay attention to the development of students’ abilities behind teaching behavior.The specific manifestations are: in the way of scene perception, novice teachers mainly focus on the bottom to top;Skilled teachers are the combination of top-down and bottom-up;In terms of student behavior, novice teachers pay more attention to typical behaviors, and experienced teachers pay more attention to problem behaviors.In terms of attention to teaching behavior, novice teachers’ coding time on teaching behavior is longer than that on student behavior, and experienced teachers’ coding time on student behavior is longer than that on teaching behavior.The difference between them is rooted in the difference of classroom behavior insight ability and risk perception ability.

Key Words:teaching reflection,classroom behavior insight ability,risk perception ability,eye movement



谢泉峰,蒋 蓉,黄蓝紫

(湖南第一师范学院教育学院,湖南长沙 410205)

[摘要] 本研究在关系视域下进行考察,通过访谈S校已毕业和临近毕业的24名公费师范生,发现公费师范生留乡任教存在着乡村社会关系中的未来榜样示范缺失、当下角色居于弱势和既往关系残基分离的现实困境,造成此种境况的原因是:有限职业交往限定了教师发展空间、文化伦理结构内置了教师角色地位、地方人事管理忽略了教师既往关系。基于此,本研究提出促成公费师范生返乡后关系培育,以提升公费师范生留乡任教意愿的三条路径:构建继续教育体系,树立未来职业榜样;构建沟通交流平台,提高当下角色地位;构建精准培育机制,巩固既往关系基础。

[关键词] 关系视域;公费师范生;留乡任教;教师教育


Public Normal Students Teach in Hometown From the Perspective of Relationship:Realistic Dilemma and Breakthrough Path

——An Interview Study Based on S University

XIE Quan-feng, JIANG Rong,HUANG Lan-zi

(College of Education,Hunan First Normal University,Changsha,Hunan,410205,China)

Abstract: From the perspective of relationship, through interviews with 24 public normal students who have graduated and are about to graduate from S University, it is found that public normal students are in the dilemma of lack of rural future role models,lower role status and separation of past relationship residues. There are three reasons for this situation: The limited professional communication circle will limit the future development space of rural teachers.The ethical structure of culture will limit the status of rural teachers, and the local personnel management ignores the past relationship of rural teachers. Based on this, puts forward three ways to promote the relationship cultivation of public normal students after returning to their hometown, so as to improve their willingness to stay and teach in their hometown: Building a continuing education system and setting a career example in the future; Building a communication platform to improve the current role status; Building a precise cultivation mechanism and consolidate the foundation of past relationships.

Key Words: relationship perspective,public normal students,stay in the countryside to teach,teacher education




(郑州大学教育学院,河南郑州 450001)

[摘要] 文化再生产理论将教师视为社会阶层固化的守门人,一定程度上将教师污名化,没有关照到中国社会的独特性。现有一些研究虽有所回应,但多基于学生视角,缺少教师主体声音。本文通过对75名农家子弟的自传社会学分析和23名师生的深度访谈,深入探究了农家子弟学业成功过程中的教师角色及其行动逻辑。研究发现教师是农家子弟实现阶层跃迁的“贵人”。基于道德义务、情感联系、理性计算的三重行动逻辑,教师有效激活和补偿了农家子弟的家庭资本,从而帮助他们突破了阶层桎梏。

[关键词] 农家子弟;学业成功;教师角色;行动逻辑


A Study on the Role of Teachers and Their Action Logic in the Course of Rural Children’s Academic Success

DONG Yong-gui, ZHAO Jing-wen

(School of Education,Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou,Henan,450001,China)

Abstract: In the Theory of Cultural Reproduction, teachers are regarded as gatekeepers of the social class solidification, which stigmatizes teachers to some extent and fails to take into account the uniqueness of Chinese society. Although some existing studies have responded this issue, they were mostly based on the perspective of students and lacked of teachers’ voice. Through the autobiographical sociological analysis of 75 rural children and in-depth interviews with 23 teachers and students, this paper explores the role of teachers and their action logic in the process of their academic success. It is found that teachers were the “savior” who realized the class transition of rural children. Based on the logic of moral obligation, emotional connection and rational calculation, teachers effectively activated and compensated the family capital of rural children, so as to help them break through the shackles of class.

Key Words: the rural students, academic success, the role of teacher, action logic



王 青,庞海芍

(北京理工大学人文与社会科学学院,北京  102488)

[摘要] 教育叙事探究在我国呈现出缺少本土化改造和在实际研究中可操作性不强的问题。本研究在跨界学习机制下,运用扎根理论的方法探究了一个工作坊案例中高校学者与幼儿园和中小学教师对叙事探究中三类故事概念的本土化转译过程。其结果为转译三类故事为故事中的伪装部分、隐秘部分、神圣部分;转译神圣故事以澄清其负面意义;转译三类故事的关系以进行叙事探究。产生这些转译的跨界学习机制包括:意义协商,合作双方认同边界差异并妥协理论执着;视角再造,一线教师在高校学者的帮助下反思个体经历并转译叙事故事;实践重构,转译过程成为一个杂糅性过程,以生成一条揭开伪装故事、曝露隐秘故事、捍卫神圣故事探究路径。对高校学者来说,跨界学习也是重构教师叙事探究原始理论的过程,其中的三类机制分别对应了妥协理论执着、再造理论视角和构建杂糅理论的重构要素。

[关键词] 跨界学习;叙事探究;教师故事;理论重构


Reinterpreting Stories of Narrative Inquiry under Boundary-crossing Learning Mechanisms

——A Grounded Theory Research

WANG Qing,PANG Hai-shao

(School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing,102488, China) 

Abstract: Educational narrative inquiry in China presents some issues in terms of lacking of localized transformation and operability in research. This study employs grounded theory to explore the localization translation process of three types of stories by university researchers and school teachers in a workshop under the boundary crossing learning mechanism. The results include that three types of stories are reinterring these types into three kinds of parts in a story, interpreting sacred stories to clarify their negative meanings; interpreting the relationship between the three types of stories for narrative inquiry. The boundary crossing learning mechanisms include negotiation which means two groups recognize boundary differences and compromise of theoretical persistence; perspective reforming which is about the trainee teachers reflect on the individual experience and interpret the narrative story with the help of the college teachers; and practice reconstruction in which the interpretation process becomes a hybrid process and produces the path of inquiry. The interpretation process has gone through three stages of boundary crossing, boundary crossing learning, and practice reconstruction, among which the narrative inquiry path formed under the boundary crossing learning mechanism of teachers is a process to uncover the cover story, expose the secret story and defend the sacred story. Meanwhile, for the other subject-university scholars, the crossover learning is also the reconstruction mechanism of the original theory of narrative exploration of teachers. The three mechanisms correspond to the theoretical reconstruction elements of compromising theory persistence, reconstructing theory perspective and constructing hybrid theory respectively.

Key Words: boundary crossing learning, narrative inquiry, teacher stories, theory reconstruction



高 珺,孙邦华


[摘要] 批评会是清末民国时期的一种重要教研活动方式,也是现在听评课的初级形态。清末新政时期,批评会通过来华日本教习直接组织、国人赴日考察参观和学人编译推介三种方式引入中国。民国前期,批评会以师范附属学校为媒介,从直隶、江苏拓展至其余东部沿海地区。民国中后期,在教育辅导制度、教研组织和实习制度的联合推动下,批评会开始向全国推广,中西部地区也开始实施批评会。批评会的流程一般分为教者自陈、质问与答辩、会员批评和主席总评四步。批评内容集中于教材、教法、教师和学生,其中,教学法是批评会讨论的核心问题。批评会立足课堂教学,直指问题,以改善教学为目的,在帮助教师掌握现代教学规范、进行教学反思方面发挥了重要作用。

[关键词] 教研制度;听评课;批评会


The Introduction and Significance of “Criticism Conferences” in Elementary and Secondary School in the Late-Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China from the Perspective of Modern Teaching Research Institution

GAO Jun, SUN Bang-hua

(Faculty of Education,Beijing Normal University,Beijing,100875,China)

Abstract: Criticism conferences is an important mode of teaching and research activities in the late-Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, and it is also the primary form of attending and evaluating courses. In the late-Qing Dynasty, the criticism conferences was introduced to China through three methods: direct organization of Japanese teachers, Chinese went to Japan investigation and visit, and scholars translation and recommendation. In the early period of the Republic of China, the criticism conferences expanded from Zhili and Jiangsu province to other eastern coastal areas through the media of affiliated school of normal schools. In the middle and late period of the Republic of China, under the joint promotion of the educational guidance system, teaching and research organization, and internship system, criticism conferences began to spread to the whole country. The process of the criticism conferences is generally divided into four steps: teacher’s self-reporting, questioning and replying, member's criticism and chairman’s criticism. The criticism conferences mainly focuses on teaching materials, teaching methods, teachers and students. Criticism conferences was based on the classroom teaching, directly pointing out the problems and aims to help lecturers improve their teaching. It plays an important role in helping teachers to master modern teaching norms and reflect on teaching.

Key Words: teaching research institution,attending and evaluating courses,criticism conferences



张世义,江 夏

(扬州大学教育科学学院,江苏扬州 225002)

[摘要] 在经过前期准备以后,全美幼教协会于近年发起了全面推动早期教育工作者专业化的行动。这既是应对早期教育工作者队伍建设无序分化的现实选择,又是积极促进早期教育工作者有序专业化的理性选择。该协会主要采取了三大举措来推动早期教育工作者的专业化:促进行业从业者达成推动早期教育工作者专业化的共识,持续修订专业立场声明和标准以提升专业化的能力基础,制订“进阶策略”以渐进式地促进专业化。这对于我国学前保教人员队伍建设带来了启示:以完善的专业标准促进专业能力的养成,强化学前保教人员专业化的专业能力基础;以系统的政策设计支持人员有序发展,完善学前保教人员专业化的制度体系;明确多方利益相关者参与学前保教人员队伍建设的权责边界,优化学前保教人员专业化的社会支持网络。

[关键词] 全美幼教协会;早期教育工作者;专业化


The Motivations and Measures of NAEYC National Collaboration for the Early Childhood Educators’Professionalization and Its Enlightenments  


(School of Educational Science, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, 225002, China)

Abstract: After the preliminary preparation, NAEYC launches the national collaboration for the early childhood education profession. The initiation of collaboration is not only a realistic choice to deal with the disordered differentiation of the early childhood educators, but also a rational choice to actively promote the orderly professionalization of early childhood educators. Specifically, NAEYC mainly adopts three measures to carry out the goal: promote consensus among the early childhood educators, continuously revise professional position statement and standards to improve the ability of professional foundation, develop the decision-cycles to promote the profession. It brings many enlightenments to us. First, improve professional standards to promote the professional ability. Secondly, support the orderly development of personnel with systematic policy design. Thirdly, define the power and responsibility boundaries of multi-stakeholder participation in the construction of preschool education personnel to optimize the professional social support network.

Key Words: NAEYC, early childhood educators, professionalization



郑 鑫,叶菊艳,罗 莹,刘晨露3

(1.西南大学教育学部,重庆 400715;2.教育部普通高校人文社会科学重点研究基地北京师范大学教师教育研究中心,北京100875;3.西南大学西南民族教育与心理研究中心,重庆 400715)

[摘要] 近十余年来,随着中国教育在国际范围内的影响力不断增强,中国教师逐渐获得国际关注。高水平国际期刊是传播中国教师形象的重要路径。本研究基于三大教师研究高水平国际期刊2009-2020年中关于中国中小学教师研究的计量分析,呈现中国教师研究的作者和机构分布、研究热点词和主题、研究趋势以及研究方法现状及影响力。研究发现:中国教师研究主题呈现出多样性,在方法上呈现多元性等特征。研究既与国际教师研究的发展趋势契合,同时也基于本土文化与情境,为国际教师研究作出知识贡献。这对于我国教师教育学科建设和进一步对外讲好中国教师故事有着重要启示。

[关键词] 中国教师;教师研究;国际期刊;文献分析


A Review of Research on Chinese Teachers in the International Journals

——Based on the Research Articles of Three High-Quality Journals on Teacher Studies

ZHENG Xin1, YE Ju-yan2, LUO Ying1, LIU Chen-lu3

(1.Faculty of Education, Southwest University, Chongqing,400715,China;

2.Center for Teacher Education Research, Beijing Normal University, Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Science in Universities, Ministry of Education, Beijing,100875,China;

3.Center for Studies of Education and Psychology of Ethnic Minorities in Southwest China,Southwest University, Chongqing, 400715,China)

Abstract: In the past decade, China gained much international attention for its high performance in educational programs. Chinese teachers were seen as the key factor for the effective educational system. This paper explored the research of Chinese teachers in three high-quality international journals ranging from 2009-2020. It analyzed the author distribution, research themes, trends, methodology and impact. The results showed that teacher studies diversify in both themes and methods which echo the international research trend, while also emphasized the influences of Chinese context and cultures on teachers. The paper has some implications for the development of teaching and teacher education in China, and it also informs educators how we can better tell Chinese teachers’ stories in international context.

Key Words: Chinese teachers, teacher research, international journals, literature analysis
